July / August 2023


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Elect Lady
Lieutenant Governor Deidre Henderson leads with her Spanish Fork perspective and a background in rooting for the underdog. As Spencer Cox’s running mate and now co-captain in the executive branch offices in the west end of the Utah State Capitol, Deidre is the highest ranking woman in the state who makes the most of her one-hour-plus commute by listening to her stepdad’s loud playlist or breathing in silence as she unpacks her day of problem-solving.

Utah Valley is rooted by strong women who branch out to lift others within their reach. Celebrate five women who share their stories of where their roots gain strength, how they overcome knots in the wood and what they’re doing to branch out.

Girl Boss
It’s 2023 and women are in the driver’s seat. In Utah Valley Magazine’s annual ode to female innovation, we feature women playing a major role in eight companies throughout the valley — from salons to software.

Angels Among Us
Heroes help others in need find a voice. Our community is full of these earthly angels. Here are three who use their angelic ideas to lift others and amplify the voices of the silenced.