When Randy Garn was running for student body president at Ricks College (now BYU-Idaho), his slogan was “The Little Man with a Big Plan.” He won the election and continues to be a giant in the world of people-building and networking. After starting a successful business with his best friend and writing a New York Times best seller, he continues to be a people person, working to help people find success in their dreams. For the next three years, he will spend his time supervising missionaries in the Houston, Texas area. While he’s a little surprised by the call, he thinks it’s a pretty good plan!
Fully Booked I work farmers’ hours. I’m up by 5:15 a.m., and the first 45 minutes are devoted to personal prayer and scripture study. Then, I work out and spend some time with my family before the kids head for school. Next, I address my calendar, which I’ve packed with fun meetings, relationships to nurture, and growth opportunities. My most successful habit is to spend time each night to journal and reflect on the day. I plan and prepare for the next day so I can hit the ground running. I try to do everything I can to go to bed at the same time every night — no later than 10:30 p.m.
Plot Twist A plot twist was when we were told by the doctor that we were going to have our second set of twins — my first boys after four girls.
Hero’s Journey I was hit by a car while preparing for the Kona Half-Iron Man. I should have been seriously injured, but I was completely protected. I recovered and participated in the race. This challenge was an opportunity for growth. I learned that we can see the miracles in our lives and witness God’s hand if we keep our minds in the right perspective. I like this quote from Albert Einstein: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I believe in miracles.
New Chapter My turning points have been key relationships I’ve made. Relationships are everything since people are more important than things. I’ve learned to treat the Uber driver and the CEO the same.
Storybook World I most resemble Samwise Gamgee because I’m loyal and do everything I can to cheer my friends and colleagues on to success!
Audiobooks or Physical I do both simultaneously. I listen as I read and annotate. It helps with cognition and memory. This is how I engage, and books come alive.